
The Playhouse That Meow Wolf Built

The playhouse that Meow Wolf artists constructed for New Mexico Appleseed's annual Parade of Playhouses fundraising is in Albuquerque ahead of schedule this week and now sits alongside its siblings at the Albuquerque BioPark Botanical Gardens.

The playhouse that Meow Wolf artists constructed for New Mexico Appleseed's annual Parade of Playhouses fundraising is in Albuquerque ahead of schedule this week and now sits alongside its siblings at the Albuquerque BioPark Botanical Gardens.

The playhouse is awaiting the announcement of its new owner, via raffle. Since final touches were added in the last days of July, the home has wondered about its future occupants and the environment where it will finally settle. Now, almost a month later, the wait is nearly over.

The Playhouse Meow Wolf Built
The Playhouse Meow Wolf Built

This coming Friday, August 25th, the Meow Wolf playhouse along with four others created by four New Mexico design firms will be honored with a gala. Following the dinner, the houses will continue to be on display at the BioPark until September 1. The Meow Wolf playhouse will be available for raffle until Sunday, August 27th.

New Mexico Appleseed will not only provide homes to those five fabulous playhouses, but the money generated by the raffle of the Wolf house and the auction of the others will go to a vital cause.

New Mexico Appleseed is a nationally recognized organization that advocates the awareness of and relief for those struggling without enough food, steady shelter, access to education and other resources many of us take for granted. Their goals seek not only to bring these resources in an immediate form, but to sustain them over time. A large demographic that sees direct and positive change from the group and their actions is the children of New Mexico.

The Playhouse Meow Wolf Built

So whether you want to support the issues backed by the Parade of Playhouses or if you more simply want a piece of Meow Wolf history, this is your moment to step up and develop a lasting relationship with a fantastic playhouse.

Meow Wolf further encourages you to explore New Mexico Appleseed and to consider giving to them and their cause in whatever form you are able. Money is not the only vital resource that non-profits require: volunteers, media coverage and simple word of mouth from an informed source are other ways to support while providing real impact in conjunction with the group's positive goals.

Tickets to the gala of August 25 are available here. See you there!