
Artist Karla Lagunas Opens the Curtain on Meow Wolf x UNLV Collab

Q+A with UNLV MFA candidate Karla Lagunas about her installation at Omega Mart, a first-of-its-kind collab between Meow Wolf and UNLV College of Fine Arts.

Explorers might ask themselves, “What is Dramcorp up to now?” when they enter the newest space in HQ: D207. In a first-of-its-kind collaboration between Meow Wolf and the UNLV College of Fine Arts, artist and MFA candidate Karla Lagunas (an OG Omega Martian), sits down – well, she could’ve been standing – to answer a few questions about her inspiration and installation. The colorful space features an evolving tableau on the walls, floor and draperies that explorers are invited to move – creating an ever-changing work.  

How does it feel coming back to Omega Mart as a Meow Wolf contributing artist?

It feels surreal to come back. My life has changed in so many wonderful ways since then, so a return puts so many things in perspective. I get to reflect a lot while painting, so it's been healing. 

An artist in a pink jumpsuit, Karla Lagunas, sits in her colorful installation in pinks, purples and blue inside Meow Wolf Omega Mart.
Sitting in the colorful world she’s creating inside Meow Wolf Omega Mart, Artist Karla Lagunas ponders her installation, part of a collab with UNLV College of Fine Arts. Photo by Christopher DeVargas.

You’ve told us that the name “Meta-Telos III” is a bit tongue-in-cheek.  Do tell…

I am aware that abstract expressionist painters could be perceived as either pretentious or embarrassingly sincere, often simultaneously. The fake Greek really drives that home. In English, the title basically means, "a self-referential aim." However, if you are a Spanish speaker as I am, it also means, "put them inside (you)." A vulgar joke, or maybe a sincere prompt to allow my audience to enter a space that is a representation of my interiority. I think my sense of humor allows me to be vulnerable under layers of masks.

Your colorful installation includes interactive components. Why did you want visitors to rearrange things?

Short of inviting them to paint with me, I wanted the audience to interact with painting in ways they might not otherwise be prompted to. Inviting touch might encourage guests to look a little longer, see a little more, and connect with mark-making. I added text to allow for more access points for meaning making. Many people don't think abstract painting is for them. Maybe if they see me reaching out to them, writing confessions or reflections, they can see what painting means for me - a way to connect with others I might not otherwise get to. I reach out and if they touch back, it closes that loop. [OM: How cool is that?!]

Omega Mart Artist Liaison, Robin Slonina in a black and white kaftan, moves the draping in the “Meta-Telos III” installation inside Meow Wolf Omega Mart.
Robin Slonina, Omega Mart Artist Liaison celebrates UNLV MFA artist Karla Lagunas’ installation “Meta-Telos III” inside Meow Wolf Omega Mart. Photo by Christopher DeVargas.

Why did you want visitors to see you at work?

I want visitors to see me at work because it feels vulnerable and it informs my painting. I am painting for an audience every step of the way. How will this inform my work? We will see!‍

Has your style evolved since working on this interactive installation? You’ve also included text in your art. What are you telling the viewer? What do you hope people will get from it?‍ Whew. Go!

I am working outside of my regular palette, which is interesting. Text was always a part of my work, but now it is clearer to the viewer. I can't wait to see more evolutions!

Visitors explore artist Karla Lagunas’ “Meta-Telos III”-moving draped fabrics painted with pinks, purples and blue inside Meow Wolf Omega Mart.
Christi Vasquez-Martin [C] Marketing Director and Laura Siebert [R] Marketing Campaign Manager from our Meow Wolf Houston team join Omega Mart General Manager Jeff Lund [L] to explore the colorful drapes in Artist Karla Lagunas’ installation, part of a collab with UNLV College of Fine Arts, inside Meow Wolf Omega Mart. Photo by Christopher DeVargas.

What can fans of your art expect to see in your work moving forward?‍

I see myself getting wilder while painting as I become more confident in front of an audience. I also see areas getting more rendered and more representational as the layers build up and forms appear. 

For those that want to see more, are there any new art exhibition links you can share with us?  

No links, but I am building towards my MFA thesis next March!

Folks can check out more of your work at:

Instagram: @karlalagunasartist

Finally, just so we know - what’s your favorite band?

Right now? Big Thief.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your work or inspiration?

Art has always been the way I connect with others and discover myself. Throughout the turmoils of my life, art has always been a portal to new worlds, inner and outer. I am incredibly grateful to share this relationship with an audience wider than I could have ever imagined!

Lucky visitors will also encounter Karla working on the space Friday nights in August, with her last brushstroke on Saturday afternoon, September 14th.