Wow!! The dream continues! The Themed Entertainment Association, who are the industry leaders in the world of themed entertainment.
This is an incredible honor. Meow Wolf (along with so many around the world) LOVE themed entertainment experiences, we love coasters and amusement parks and weird immersive theater and virtual reality, etc., and to be recognized as one of the world's best themed experiences is just mind blowing.
Meow Wolf's House of Eternal Return is being recognized for Excellence in Connected Immersion, a new awards category that we feel like have largely pioneered.
THEA states, "Connected Immersion mixes digitally-led interactivity with the real world to create rich, high-touch, high-context experiences that seamlessly connect to the broader themed entertainment space. These immersive experiences extend beyond the established borders to allow audiences to “live” the story in unforgettable ways. Visitors can now be the heroes in their own story, discover hidden depths, solve mysteries and go beyond the box.”We will be receiving our award in April at Disneyland, which in-and-of-itself is exciting as hell. :)
Thank you all for all the support! To read the full article, click here!